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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: Ireland

Slea Head II - Day 1


As you might know, I once did another painting of the beach at Slea Head. I decided to try another painting of the same location from a different angle. (This one is also considerably larger than the other painting!) Today was the first time I worked in my newly rearranged studio. I moved everything around over the weekend to make room for a second easel, and it feels great in there.

Today was also the first time I used PanPastels on Pastelbord. It goes on very nicely...but unfortunately, the toothy surface chews right through the PanPastel sponge applicators. That's how they get you, I guess. Sure, yes, PanPastels are much cheaper by volume than traditional sticks -- but you don't need special sponges to paint with sticks! Ah well. They're a lot of fun to use, so I'll happily get more sponges when I destroy the ones I have.

1.7 hours on this today.

Slea Head II, Day 1 - 1.7 hours

Power Lines - Day 1


Did a quick two-hour painting today. I might keep working on it...then again, I might not. This week I've been experimenting with PanPastels. They are so much fun to use! I've been so distracted with doing little sketches and whatnot with them that I haven't worked on Twisted Pine since they arrived...but I'll finish it up soon.

In other news -- I received my first check from a gallery today!

Anyway, here's a painting in three parts:

First, a quick layer of pastel followed by an alcohol wash...

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 1


Then I added more detail...

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 2


Finally I added some finer details in the grass with pastel pencils -- and the power lines, which were pretty scary to execute. One false move and the whole piece could be ruined forever!

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 3


I'm pretty happy with it, honestly. Consciously choosing not to obsess over details is...liberating.

Sea and Sky - Day 10


I added some complexity back into the waves...might be too much, need to think on it. I also lightened the figure a little bit and played with the reflections in the sand.

It's very close to finished. And even if it isn't my best piece ever, I need to let it go and get something new on my easel! 1.3 hours today.

Sea and Sky, Day 10 - 13 hours

Sea and Sky - Day 6


At long last, more work on this piece. I'm honestly not sure if I want to do much more to it or not. I added more detail in the water, and added more layers to the sand...and then I decided I didn't like it, and smoothed out a lot of the detail work. What's left is something simple and elegant. I think I like the way the sea melts into the sand without a clear delineation.

I need to sleep on it. In any case, 1.2 hours today. Sorry for the slightly grainy photo.

Sea and Sky, Day 6 - 8.2 hours

Sea and Sky - Day 4


Just 1.3 hours today...I spent much of my day designing business cards (finally). However, in those 1.3 hours I made the major decision to include a person in the landscape. I actually don't think I've ever done that for any of my longer pieces. Sketches, sure. But time-intensive stuff? Nope. This photo came out a little dark. Ah well.

Sea and Sky, Day 4 - 6.1 hours

Sea and Sky - Day 2


Another hour today, focusing on the clouds and the mountains. I don't think I can use fixative with this piece. It darkened it WAY too much. Maybe if I use white paper, I can use fixative, but with darker surfaces it is no good. Ah well. It was worth a try.

Sea and Sky, Day 2 - 2.7 hours

Sea and Sky - Day 1


New piece! Finally! To be perfectly honest, I haven't the faintest idea exactly how much time I spent on this today. If I include figuring out which reference photo to use and setting up the surface and finishing up my pastel cleaning project and all that, then I spent a good three hours (perhaps more)...but in terms of time spent putting pastel to paper? I'd say probably about 1.5 hours. Maybe 2.0. So I'll call it 1.7 for the hell of it, and call it a day.

I'm giving a new surface a try -- this painting is on Richeson Unison pastel board. It's extremely gritty. Good for holding layers; not so great for blending! I am also going to use fixative with this piece, although this photo was taken before fixative was applied. Hopefully applying the fixative won't make too much of a difference, although at this stage it doesn't much matter.

Sea and Sky, Day 1 - 1.7 hours