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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: power lines

Power Lines - Day 1


Did a quick two-hour painting today. I might keep working on it...then again, I might not. This week I've been experimenting with PanPastels. They are so much fun to use! I've been so distracted with doing little sketches and whatnot with them that I haven't worked on Twisted Pine since they arrived...but I'll finish it up soon.

In other news -- I received my first check from a gallery today!

Anyway, here's a painting in three parts:

First, a quick layer of pastel followed by an alcohol wash...

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 1


Then I added more detail...

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 2


Finally I added some finer details in the grass with pastel pencils -- and the power lines, which were pretty scary to execute. One false move and the whole piece could be ruined forever!

Power Lines - Day 1, Step 3


I'm pretty happy with it, honestly. Consciously choosing not to obsess over details is...liberating.