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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: trees

Shady Copse - Day 8


It's getting to that point where I should probably think about stopping; otherwise I'm liable to overwork it like crazy. Another hour today.

Shady Copse - Day 8, 6.4 hours

I might want to consider cropping it. Not sure yet. I'd either have to take a little bit off the bottom or a lot off the top.

Shady Copse - Day 6


Another 45 minutes today. Added some more color into the foliage and also started defining this foreground tree a little bit more. Sadly, there were a lot of chores that really needed to get done, so I couldn't stand at my easel and paint all day. Shady Copse - Day 6, 4.4 hours

Shady Copse - Day 1 & 2


Yesterday I did an underpainting with sumi ink: Shady Copse - Day 1 (Part 1), 0.7 hours

Then I added yellow ochre pastel on top of the underpainting, and brushed that with rubbing alcohol to produce a toned surface:

Shady Copse - Day 1 (Part 2), 0.9 hours

And today, I started going over that underpainting with other colors, trying to stay loose:

Shady Copse - Day 2, 2.2 hours

So far, I haven't yet added any actual green; I'm just playing with color temperature. Not sure whether I'll add green in the future or not. More next week, or perhaps this weekend if I feel particularly ambitious.

Stream - Day 20


And of course, I decided to wipe all that turbulence out and have at it once more. An hour and a half today spent obsessing over this turbulence nonsense. Again. It's getting a little ridiculous; I have to just let it go, make peace with the fact that it isn't a perfect painting. I made it much more subtle. Not sure whether that's good or bad, but however it looks tomorrow is how it will remain...Might work on this some more later today. Not sure yet. Need to let the dust settle, quite literally.

Stream, Day 20 - 27.7 hours

Stream - Day 19


Hmm...what should I do today? I know! How about I make a radically different decision about the turbulence! What a fantastic plan.

I think I like it better than before, but I need to spend some time not looking at it before I can be sure. Have to finish before May 1. Otherwise I'll miss the deadline for the Hudson Valley Art Association show.

And then, after this is finished, I really have to pick up the pace. I can't spend all my time feeling paralyzed about paintings that are 90% where I want them to be but 10% off the mark. I'll learn more from doing ten paintings in a month than I will from agonizing about one.

Two more hours today.

Stream, Day 19 - 26.2 hours

Stream - Day 17


Just half an hour today -- I have to get ready to go to my figure drawing class, but I wanted to at least do something with this. Did some more work on the turbulence. It is so damn close! I'll be glad when it's over...I am getting the itch to work on something new. Stream, Day 17 - 22.2 hours

Stream - Day 14


Well, it appears that I am still not ready to let go of this piece. But it is really close to being done. I will finish this thing before Friday, and I will paint at least one single-day painting this week. 1.4 hours on this piece today.

Stream, Day 14 - 18.4 hours

Stream - Day 13


I am really struggling with the water in the foreground. I decided that the turbulence didn't work with the composition the way it was, and I think I like where it's going now, but I'm not sure. So, rather than continue to revise it over and over again, I'm going to sleep on it. I spent about 1.7 hours on this today, even though it doesn't look like it!

Stream, Day 13 - 16.0 hours