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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: shade

Shady Copse - Day 8


It's getting to that point where I should probably think about stopping; otherwise I'm liable to overwork it like crazy. Another hour today.

Shady Copse - Day 8, 6.4 hours

I might want to consider cropping it. Not sure yet. I'd either have to take a little bit off the bottom or a lot off the top.

Shady Copse - Day 6


Another 45 minutes today. Added some more color into the foliage and also started defining this foreground tree a little bit more. Sadly, there were a lot of chores that really needed to get done, so I couldn't stand at my easel and paint all day. Shady Copse - Day 6, 4.4 hours

Shady Copse - Day 1 & 2


Yesterday I did an underpainting with sumi ink: Shady Copse - Day 1 (Part 1), 0.7 hours

Then I added yellow ochre pastel on top of the underpainting, and brushed that with rubbing alcohol to produce a toned surface:

Shady Copse - Day 1 (Part 2), 0.9 hours

And today, I started going over that underpainting with other colors, trying to stay loose:

Shady Copse - Day 2, 2.2 hours

So far, I haven't yet added any actual green; I'm just playing with color temperature. Not sure whether I'll add green in the future or not. More next week, or perhaps this weekend if I feel particularly ambitious.