Slea Head II - Day 1
As you might know, I once did another painting of the beach at Slea Head. I decided to try another painting of the same location from a different angle. (This one is also considerably larger than the other painting!) Today was the first time I worked in my newly rearranged studio. I moved everything around over the weekend to make room for a second easel, and it feels great in there.
Today was also the first time I used PanPastels on Pastelbord. It goes on very nicely...but unfortunately, the toothy surface chews right through the PanPastel sponge applicators. That's how they get you, I guess. Sure, yes, PanPastels are much cheaper by volume than traditional sticks -- but you don't need special sponges to paint with sticks! Ah well. They're a lot of fun to use, so I'll happily get more sponges when I destroy the ones I have.
1.7 hours on this today.