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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: ireland

Three Sisters Redux - Day 1

Brenna OToole

Giving this subject matter another go, this time in horizontal format. Once again, I'm working large...this subject matter seems to lend itself well to that. This is on a 24 x 36 board, which is probably about four times the size of most of my work.

This is just the underpainting so far. About two and a half hours (including sketches/composition nonsense) today. Taking pictures of this is going to be challenging due to uneven lighting, but there's not too much I can do about it. Well, aside from wait for a sunny day, but it looks like those will be in short supply this week.

Three Sisters Redux, Day 1 - 2.5 hours

Three Sisters Redux, Day 1 - 2.5 hours