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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Tag: autumn

Little Pond - Day 5


Another hour today. It has been an embarrassingly long time since I've put any work into this piece. I've been doing sketches and little one-off pastel paintings and whatnot, but nothing time intensive. It's time to get back in the swing of things. (As long as I don't end up getting the flu.) It's almost there. A couple quick fixes that I didn't realize needed to be done until I was looking at the photo, and then (finally!) it'll be finished.

Little Pond, Day 5 - 5.8 hours

Little Pond - Day 1, 2, & 3


I really have been bad about updating this blog (along with just about everything else). Here's the current painting in progress:

Day 1 - I did a very loose underpainting with pan pastels, sticking to a (somewhat) limited palette and defining large shapes for later.

Little Pond, Day 1 - 1.0 hours


Day 2 - I finally overcame my fear of Ruining Everything and did an alcohol wash over the underpainting, which had some odd effects. I'd never done a wash on this type of paper before, and I wasn't prepared for how much pigment got lifted up and deposited elsewhere! Still, it's just an doesn't have to be perfect. And to be honest, I kind of like the random pigment deposits. Sorry about the shine -- I took this photo while it was still wet.

Little Pond, Day 2 - 1.6 hours


Day 3 (today!) - Using pan pastels, I started to lay in more color on top of the underpainting. I was going to use regular stick pastels, but decided against it -- and I'm glad I made that choice. Sticks would have covered up all the color in the underpainting much too quickly. I'll save the sticks for finishing touches.

Little Pond, Day 3 - 3.5 hours