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2015-05-26 - Shady Copse (Day 10).jpg

Paintings in Progress

Filtering by Category: Flowers

Rose - Day 7


An hour and 45 minutes today. This one is getting close. I aim to finish it before the week is out -- and as long as the weather holds, I'd really like to get out for another plein air session this week, too. We'll see! I don't know what was going on yesterday -- I have no idea why it was so difficult to focus. (Hmm. Come to think of it, yesterday I didn't have any caffeine...maybe that's what was going on.) Today I was able to focus without a problem, and I still have energy after I'm done. Which is good, since I still have to work on the comic, meditate, go for a walk, sweep, put away my clean clothes, practice the mandolin or the fiddle, and make dinner. And maybe relax a little bit, too.

In any case, have a close-to-finished rose!

Rose, Day 7 - 8.0 hours

Rose - Day 6


40 minutes. It was like pulling teeth even to do that much; not sure why. This detail work is boring me, I think. (Which is why I primarily worked on the background.) Rose, Day 6 - 6.2 hours

Rose - Day 4


Another hour (and a bit) today. So much time just to work on a few petals! But that's the way it goes. For this piece, I am using hard pastels almost exclusively; soft pastels would saturate the tooth of this paper much too quickly.

Rose, Day 4 - 4.5 hours

Rose - Day 1, 2, and 3


I have neglected to update this blog for far too long. I just added two posts (backdated to 6/13) that show the before/after shots of two more resurrected paintings. I've also started a new painting. Rather than attempt to remember which day I did these iterations, I'll just post all three here. It's not done yet -- more to come soon. Day 1 (1 hour):

Rose, Day 1 - 1.0 hours


Day 2 (just shy of half an hour):

Rose, Day 2 - 2.4 hours


Day 3 (2 hours):

Rose, Day 3 - 3.4 hours


Ok, now I'm all caught up! Now to get caught up on dishes...