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Paintings in Progress

Melting Snow - Day 10 (and a random experiment!)


Didn't work on Melting Snow long today. 20 minutes, maybe. Tomorrow's my big day to work on it -- my goal is to finish it tomorrow. I just wanted to make some headway, get back in the swing of things. Gotta remember that even if I totally screw up the foreground, the background is still salvageable! Melting Snow, Day 10 - 7.9 hours

Another reason why I didn't spend all that much time on this piece today is because I played with the pastel ground I created yesterday!

Yesterday, I dry-mounted a piece of scrap calligraphy "warm-up" paper (it's covered with random letters, phrases, and practice strokes on it) to a piece of foam core with a dry-mount adhesive sheet and a clothes iron. Then I coated the sheet with a layer of transparent matte medium (to prime it), and brushed on a coat of Golden pastel ground on top of that to make a toothy surface that would accept pastels. It cured overnight, and today I decided to play with it.

It was fun! You might, if you look closely, be able to make out phrases from The Lord of the Rings. The script I've been working on is called Carolingian. I've been posting my hand-scribed edition of the book here. Later today or tomorrow I'll post the next two pages...the party has finally begun! Very exciting. Anyway, here's the result of my random carefree experiment:

Playing with creating my own pastel grounds for the first time ever!