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Paintings in Progress

Twisted Pine - Day 7


Working one-handed is getting old! Although I don't dual-wield pastels (now that's an amusing mental picture), I am accustomed to accumulating a selection of "currently-in-use" pastels in my left hand, which I can switch between with my right hand. At the moment, I have to set those pastels down on a table, where I quickly lose track of them, because apparently I lack the capacity to put pastels back from the place where I picked them up. It goes something like this:

"Oh, I picked this pastel stick up from that side of the table? Let me just set that down right here for a second, in the middle of a bunch of pastels I haven't used lately, which are all so covered in the pastel dust of other pastels that they all look the same color. Wait, where did I put that one I just set down? *cleans pastels and examines several before finding the correct one* Ah! Great. Now I'll use this, and then I'll set it down right here..."

You get the idea.

Anyway, I'll see an orthopedic specialist on Wednesday morning. Hopefully there is nothing seriously wrong with that wrist.

1.4 hours on this today, and over 6 hours on art-related stuff in general. Not bad.

Twisted Pine, Day 7 - 7.9 hours